A few years ago now I did a post about my favourite YouTube channels. Over time tastes change and channels move on, so I thought it was time to share my top choices. In fact, none of the channels I picked previously feature this time around. In the space of a few years and the accessibility of cameras that fit the ‘vlogging’ criteria have meant an explosion in this type of content. Unfortunately this has also meant a certain formula has developed and become somewhat predictable…. Scenes of photographers getting their gear out the car boot, or crossing a country stile are all too familiar. If anything my YouTube watching has decreased and become a little more selective. So without further ado and in no particular order…
If any channel doesn’t fit the cliche photographer’s vlogging channel then it has to be Photography Online. Unfortunately they are in a hiatus at the minute with a return set for 2024. However, that doesn’t mean the previous shows are not worth a watch. What sets this channel apart is the sheer quality of the production and content. It could easily be a Netflix show such is production quality. But on top of this they cover all manner of photography subjects and gear aimed at all levels.
I love the simplicity of Jon’s videos, but what really comes across is his sheer passion and excitement for just being outside with a camera. There is no “these are the settings you need, this is the must have camera,” just a guy enjoying his photography and sharing his images. This is what photography should be about, yes the technical stuff is important, but the number one thing is having fun!
As a professional photographer running his own gallery Stuart brings a fresh perspective to the YouTube scene. Often the photography takes priority over the ‘vlogging,’ which I respect. Getting the shot and paying the bills as a professional photographer comes first, and selling images his Stuart’s priority. This doesn’t stop Stuart making great quality videos, covering technique, gear and life as a professional photographer. And he happens to live in a stunning part of the Country…
The only channel ‘over the pond’ for me. Gavin Hardcastle takes the vlogging to the entertainment level. Sometimes (okay mostly) just down right childish and silly. But too much photography is all settings, gear and technique. Some of Gavin’s videos have literally had me in tears.
Let me know who you like to follow, sometimes finding good content in an ocean of YouTube can be hard to find!