I’d like to claim credit for this idea but I stole it from Twitter, 1 image from each year of this decade. I wasn’t as organised at the start of the decade so it took some trawling to find some images. However what it did teach me is how far my photography has come (in my opinion), and it will be really interesting to see how my photography looks in another 10 years. Those first few years of this decade I actually found it hard to choose images because to be perfectly honest, most weren’t good enough. Many of the images would probably now just get deleted. However this isn’t an exercise in finding the best images necessarily, in fact it turned into more about images that recognise moments or celebrate family. A reminder that I should make more effort to take photos of those that matter most. What I thought was going to be a straight forward task turned into several hours last night as I went down a memory lane rabbit hole. It was good fun seeing a lot of images which have just sat on a hard drive for years. So here it goes, not necessarily the best images technically or compositionally but important images from the last decade.
Idless woods. I find woodland difficult to photograph so this image I was pleased to get, but more importantly this image reminds me why I love photography so much. Just me, the camera and the great outdoors. The perfect escape from the stresses of life.
This one was always going to be difficult to top. Turning the corner up Carn Marth, spotting this Roe Deer and capturing in camera was a magical experience.
Family is always going to be difficult to top. A family walk at Falmouth and a cheeky smile from our son.
A camera club field trip to Holywell Bay. I remember it being a difficult evening for images, thick grey cloud and flat light. Then at the end of the evening I spotted this surfer leaving the sea and instinctively a held the camera millimetres above the sand and shot a few frames.
Another shot of our son, this time in his mother’s arms. Not much more to add!
Our tiny daughter exploring the mine buildings of South Wheal Frances. Something about the innocence of image, a tiny girl exploring the world holding her dollies.
Another shot that was going to be difficult to top. I’m not sure I have experienced a sky like it since. What made it all the more pleasing was being able to recognise at the time the gap on the horizon and the hope the sky would light up. And boy it did!
This was a bit of a stand out image this year. The further I went back in the decade the harder it was to find images because my own expectations of my photography have risen. A lovely (if not cold) sunset on Porthleven beach. I remember at the time titling this one ‘Porthleven Gold.’
Our daughter snuggled up in her pram. Slightly missed the focus, but who cares, look at that face!
Another year I struggled to find an image, but this one stood out. A snowy South Wheal Frances. Time to finish on a sombre note… We don’t often get snow in Cornwall, and we have in the last year but it’s a rare event. Worryingly as we go through winter this year I can remember 1 frosty morning. As a write this Australia is burning, Scotland has seen its warmest nights and governments are seemingly blind to climate change. Here is to hoping the next decade sees the world wake up to what is really happening to our wonderful planet.